Stockholm is world renowned for its commitment to green spaces, as well as the brilliant execution that city planners have displayed in implementing outdoors spaces. Indeed, the World Economic Forum has profiled that commitment, noting how it can provide inspiration to urban citizens across the world. From bucolic cafes and sustainable shopping malls to long expanses of greenery that sit ready to service both wellbeing and fitness, Stockholm has made greening integral to its design – and that can provide a little inspiration all the way through life.
Enjoying everyday sustainability
One of the curious elements of the Stockholm story is the focus on science in its delivery. As one study published by Ruhr University Bochum notes, Stockholms’ greening story has been tied into science, using well-known principles in sustainability and eco-science to ensure that change is permanent. How has this been applied? It can be easy to see greening as purely an exercise in planting grass and trees. While that makes a good start in environments that might otherwise be devoid of plantlife, it isn’t necessarily something which creates true, long-term sustainability. The use of turf is a good example of this – fresh turf isn’t necessarily better, and certain recycled hybrid surfaces can actually lessen the eco-burden. This is something embraced at the family-friendly Vasaparken, and its Minigolf & Cafe complex. The Vasaparken stands as a great example of the integration of green spaces into the urban sphere.

Greenery in life
Green spaces are woven into the urban tapestry of Stockholm, and that’s reflected in many of the businesses that serve the city, and tourists, throughout the year. As The Culture Trip highlights, cafes such as Rosendals Trädgård wed together somewhere to eat and drink with community gardens and planting projects. As profiled, establishments such as this provide a way for customers and locals to get involved with the business itself and to enjoy sustainability throughout their life. This promotes eco-consciousness and helps to create a living daily reminder as to the importance of greenery and sustainability – a little tick in each part of the day as to how much it matters.

Wellbeing and fitness
The outdoor networks that Stockholm has made core to its identity are also the foundation to its promotion of wellbeing and fitness. As Visit Stockholm highlights, there are over 80 open air gyms throughout the city. Forests, parks and associated spaces also provide a place to relax, unwind, and focus on mental wellbeing as well as physical fitness. With that the city has a clear focus on the benefits that can come from green spaces. Furthermore, it consistently provides a shot of inspiration on how being conscious of environmental matters can help in daily life.
Stockholm has made the word ‘green’ central to the modern planning of the city. Planners mean it, too – green isn’t just a buzzword, but a key tenet in shaping every outdoor space and facility. Daily reminders of the importance of being eco-conscious are crucial in informing the next generation.