10 Mar 2025
Gorillaz blows Stockholm away

Gorillaz blows Stockholm away

Damon Albarn together with 11 other musicians, including 6 backing vocalists, gave life to the visrtual band Gorillaz at Hovet last night.

It was a fully loaded 1 hour and a half of musical deliverance in which 2-D (lead vocals, keyboards), Murdoc Niccals (bass guitar), Noodle (guitar, keyboards) and Russel Hobbs (drums and percussion), in the shape of Albarn and company played for the fist time to the Swedish audience extracts from their 5 studio albums and including the most recent Humanz as part of their homonym tour.

Gorillaz was joined by special guests on stage. Jammie Principle and Zebra Katz took Sex Murder Party to a higher level of hip, whilst opening act, Little Simz rapped with the band to the sounds of Garage Palace and We Got The Power. The climax of the night was reached when the notes of the so anticipated Feel Good Inc. finally broke on the air with De La Soul‘s epic laugh-intro, that characterises the song.

Damon Albarn front man and creator of Gorillaz put his soul out with his performance, reaching out to the public on several occasions to touch their hands and even jumping onto a thrilled  crowd who paraded him over the heads and hands of the thousands that gathered for the show. Albarn was authentically putting himself out there imprinting with deep feelings the lyrics of his own composition, at the end of Busted and Blue he didn’t hold up the tears and he was sawn wiping his eyes.

Here are some of our photographs from the concert.

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All photos © Karen Pérez Guzmán

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