3 Oct 2024
French artist Alex Colard on his ‘Secret Exhibition’

French artist Alex Colard on his ‘Secret Exhibition’

Alex Colard art exhibitions

Meeting Alex Colard in one of these cool, secret locations that are “not for tourists”. High Definition is a luxurious, private club in Vasastan. Colard is tall, well dressed and very charming.  One of those types you call “chic” and who’s always surrounded by an interesting crowd.

He was born in France, and moved to New York when he was twenty years old. He studied at Parsons The New School, worked in the art and architecture field for eleven years as an architectural designer, created the art department at Goldsmith-mannequins, and exhibited and sold his work in the showroom, where prestigious clients like Macy’s, Bloomingdales, H&M and others came to shop. Then he moved to Stockholm in 2017 and decided it was time to be a professional artist. Since then he has had 23 exhibitions in galleries, restaurants, hair salons, stores, and at events. He collaborated with Hewlett Packard in December 2018 to print on demand at the Lobby Store. He is also very active on the art scene thanks to his platform Art Exhibitions in Stockholm, and sells various types of artworks ranging from fine art giclée prints to canvases, and commissions. When we met for the first time in 2018, he was selling his symbols of Sweden – graphics of boats and crowns. One of those crowns has been decorating my apartment since then.

Me posing next to Alex Colard at one of his exhibitions.

Art is in his veins, as Alex is the grandson of French sculptor Lucien Colard. Genetics gifted him with an appreciation and understanding of art while his grandfather taught him how to draw.

“I work constantly on my techniques, I like the  metaphor of a bike, to go forward I pedal with the concept and the execution. I am interested in the big subjects in life, God, spirituality, and the creation of humankind, that is what I like to research. There are many ancient cultures that left us hints of Knowledge about our origin. Through my travels I felt these energies,” Colard explains.

Alex Colard and some of his most recent work.

His artistic process for this exhibition started in May 2020 when he decided to change the trajectory of his practice and focus on the abstract. In the exhibition ‘Colorful Abstract Personalities’ he was influenced by his mediation meetings.

“I needed to change the way I was seeing the world and decided to work on my behavior in order to be my best self every day. Consequently my art was influenced, and my emotions became more clear and compartmentalized. I represented them with a specific bright color for each painting, red, blue, orange and was masking some parts with geometrical shapes that I identified as a sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution. After two years of mediation my colors became much more subtle, ranging from sand, camel, beige, to black and white. I worked on the concept and studied Enuma Elish, the Babylonian myth of creation. This text inspired many future ideologies and religions since its birth around 2000 BC. It describes the origin of men, who were designed by Gods who came from the heavens,“ Colard adds.

Alex made use of new shades of black for some of his Secret Exhibition’s paintings.

To be invited to The Secret Exhibition, send an email to [email protected] and visit https://alexcolardart.com/my-latest-events/the-secret-exhibition/

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