28 Feb 2025
Changing your Address Within Sweden: the YLC Guide
Essentials Housing

Changing your Address Within Sweden: the YLC Guide

Moving in Sweden can be daunting, especially if you don’t know how change your details with the right authority. Enter – the YLC guide to changing your address within Sweden!

7162624349_48031840ff_b-1Photo: Debarshi Ray/Flickr (file)

When you move from one address in Sweden to another you need to register your move with the government. You must register within one week of the move in order to avoid penalties, but we would advise you register before your move if possible so that your taxes and social benefits can be accurate. If you receive parental leave payments or government-funded schooling, then you need to have your move registered on time in order to have the correct kommun making payments or you may end up with the added hassle of having to pay back the money or missing payments from the new municipality.

Step One

Firstly, you should register your move with the Swedish Tax Authority, Skatteverket.

If you have an e-identification (E-ID) such as BankID, you can do everything online in about five minutes.  Also, if you view the site through the Google Chrome browser, the website (and most others) is translated to English automatically, which makes it all very easy for us Anglophones. Log in using your E-ID in the right hand column of the page.

  • Once logged in, select “Notification of Move” or “Flyttanmälan.”
  • You’ll need to know your old and new addresses as well as your moving date.  Follow the instructions on the website.
  • By registering your move with Skatteverket your address change will be registered throughout the government system, including Forsäkringskassan (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency) and Migrationsverket (the Migration Board).
  • If you don’t have E-ID, then you can skip straight to the 2nd step below. You will then be sent a form in the mail that you can fill out and send to Skatteverket.

Step Two

Register your move with the postal service.

  • Select the blue button on the bottom of the page that says “Starta flyttanmälan Personuppgifter.”
  • If you have E-ID, log-in on this page and then continue with the address change online.  If you don’t have E-ID, you can continue by putting in your personal information on this page and then forms will be sent to your home that you will need to complete and return.
  • Follow the instructions on the page to register your move.
  • On the confirmation page, you will be asked if you want the mail addressed to your old address forwarded to your new address or returned to the sender.  If you select mail-forwarding, then you need to pay 450 SEK for one year of mail-forwarding.  If you select for the mail to be returned to sender, there is no fee. After your move-in date, any mail addressed to the old address will be returned to the sender without any notification to you at either address.
  • After you have completed your address change, you will be redirected to a page where you will be offered to have your address changed for free with other companies such as banks and insurance companies.

Not as bad as you thought, now was it?

Good Luck!


Jessica Larson


Follow Your Living City on Twitter!



  • Tadious 28 Feb 2017

    Is ‘Step 2’ necessary if you register your move early enough?

    • Hi! It makes things easier in the system if you follow Step 2. Though it’s not compulsory.

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