14 Mar 2025
Thanksgiving Supplies in Stockholm
Community Expat Traditions

Thanksgiving Supplies in Stockholm

Running around like a headless… chicken to get everything ready for Thanksgiving? Never fear – YLC has got the info on where you can buy your turkey and all the standard trimmings for the big dinner. Get your Turkey Day on in Stockholm!


Where to buy a turkey

Finding a turkey won’t be too difficult, as most large ICAs such as ICA Kvantum, Maxi etc. will have whole fresh and frozen turkeys in stock. City Gross usually has frozen options as well, though not always guaranteed to be in stock.  You can also usually place an order through the store manager. However, if your usual store fails to deliver – here are some additional options…

Ingelsta Kalkon

Ingelsta Kalkon have their own turkey farms and outlets with locations in both Östermalm and Södermalm. Check their website for exact locations.

Taylors & Jones

British butchers Taylors & Jones on Kungsholmen offers a variety of turkey options, such as whole turkeys, turkey breasts, turkey crowns, and boned and stuffed turkeys.  You can check out their downloadable price list on their website. Orders can also be placed via email (shop@taylorsandjones.com).

Where: Hantverkargatan 12

Open: Mon-Fri 10-18, Saturday 10-14

B. Andersson

Fågel & Vilt Specialisten

A supplier of wild birds and meats. This shop is particularly good if you need good quality pheasants, grouse and other wild birds.

Open: Mon-Thurs 9.30-18, Friday 9.30-19, Saturday 9.30-16

Where: Östermalmshallen


The Trussings and Trimmings 

For the most part you shouldn’t have any problem finding all the right ingredients for your Thanksgiving recipes at your local grocer, especially at large stores such as Daglivs, which have an American section. For those few items that can be hard to come by check these suggestions…

The English Shop

In addition to many English basics like Oxo cubes, Bisto, Marmite, Bovril, Branston pickle etc.

They also sell many Thanksgiving staples such as boxed stuffing, instant gravy and canned cranberry sauce.

Open: Mon-Fri 11am-6pm; Sat 11am-3pm

Where: Söderhallarna

USA Godis 

Stockholm’s largest range of American sweets, snacks and soft drinks. They also have a webshop if you don’t live nearby.

Open: Monday-Friday: 10:00-18:00, Saturday: 12:00 – 17:00

Sunday: 12:00 – 16:00

Where: Upplandsgatan 6.


Online Food Shops

Grays American Food store  

Grays is the American food supplier for all the large grocery stores in Sweden such as ICA and Coop.

They stock the American aisle with Stove Top Stuffing, Libby’s Pumpkin Pie filling, ready-made pie crusts, Ocean Spray canned cranberry sauce, cake mixes and much more. You can also go directly to their website to order their products.

British Corner Shop  

The go-to online shop for British expats, BCS also have an American corner where you can get items like Libby’s canned pumpkin delivered direct to your door.


It’s always worth checking out amazon as they will deliver some groceries to Sweden for free as long as you buy over £25 worth. Do make sure you are buying from amazon.co.uk themselves as otherwise the free shipping will not hold true.


For a detailed listing of international food markets in Stockholm check out our related article here. Check out our recipe section for some wonderful Thanksgiving dishes too!


Happy Thanksgiving!


Kristan Coleman and Amy Johansson

Follow Your Living City on Twitter!

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