19 Sep 2024
Search Results for : sizoo
Expat Support Health Mental health

Surfing between the known and the unknown

I’ve just uploaded twenty mediocre and imperfect selfies to an artificial intelligence app. It promises to take this base material and turn it into professional gold; sixty headshots worthy of a LinkedIn listing. I am hoping AI will professionalize these

Expat Support Health Mental health

Breaking free from toxic anxiety syndrome

Our inbuilt survival system doesn’t care whether you’re happy or sad. It just wants to keep you alive. And that’s hard work when we are floating in a collective fear-soup and our brains are overwhelmed. We have two smoke alarms

Expat Support Health Mental health

Navigating Life’s Transitions with Mental Well-being

Being in transit can be hard. I am letting go of one organised and happy existence, the result of hard work and adaptation, to once again move towards the unknown. I am heeding an inner call that trusts the process


Concerts Music News Smith & Thell bid farewell to their fans, embarking on a hiatus 15 Sep 2024 Movies Nova & Alice at the cinema: fictional pop stars in a music-driven drama 12 Sep 2024 Concerts Music Darin shines like

Community Expat Support Parenting

Parenting in a foreign land: Part 1

Barack Obama, Christiane Amanpour and Reese Witherspoon, all so called 'Third Culture Kids', have done very well for themselves. Our youngsters CAN get the very best from being raised in a country that is not their parents' own.

Expat Support General Counselling

Expat Counselling: The Art of International Friendships

In this month of Love and Friendship YLC’s mental health writer Lysanne Sizoo looks at the ways in which internationals connect with other, and how they can keep their friendships happy and healthy. The human need for social connection and

Community Expat Support General Counselling

Expats and Mental Health: The ‘Trailing Spouse’

If ever there was a description less befitting the hard work of a partner accompanying their loved on a foreign adventure it has to be the ‘trailing spouse’. YLC’s mental health expert Lysanne Sizoo explores the stereotypes and the reality.

Community Expat Support General Counselling

Expats and Mental Health: Pitch Im-perfect

When we bring our Inner Perfectionist with us on our foreign adventures we may find that she or he is a more of a hindrance than a help. Our expat health specialist Lysanne Sizoo helps you to chill out. What

Community Expat Support General Counselling Health Swedish Culture Work & Money

Expats and Mental Health: Two Scoops of Culture Shock

Ever feel like the sore thumb in Sweden? This week, YLC’s mental health expert, Lysanne Sizoo, discusses the difficulties associated with simultaneously adjusting to another culture and a new work environment abroad. Photo: Lena Granefelt/imagebank.sweden.se So you’ve found a job

Expat Support General Counselling

Expats and mental health: YOUR questions answered

As an expat, deciding to make the move back home can often be harder than the original emigration. This week YLC’s mental health adviser, Lysanne Sizoo, answers a reader’s enquiry on the unforeseen difficulties of saying hej då to Sweden. Whether it was