15 Jan 2025
Mathem – Delivered Groceries to your Door
Services Shopping

Mathem – Delivered Groceries to your Door

Mathem means ‘Food -Home’ and it does exactly what it says on the tin. I’ve found them to be a convenient, time-saving and stress-free way of grocery shopping and with our rabattkod (discount code or voucher), I hope you’ll find them value for money too.

I’ve been a fan of Mathem for a while; in fact I can pinpoint my relationship with them to the 1st birthday of my daughter. I was stressed with struggling a load of groceries into my already overstuffed pram with a toddler who wanted to practise toddling off into the tomato area when I needed to buy milk. ‘Why don’t they have delivered groceries like back home??’ I moaned to a friend. ‘I think there is one company who does that,’ she replied. And we’ve not looked back since. Which is good because I now have another rampaging 1 year old in the mix.

The advantages of online shopping for me (and I’m guessing you) are many-fold but I’ll list my main 3:

It saves me money

Partly because I am not tempted by that organic sea kelp that was just begging to be bought at the end of the aisle or the new chewing gum at the counter. I am an impulse shopper, which is hard on my wallet. Online shopping does also mean that I am not cajoled into buying the multipack of chocolate biscuits by my children to avoid the scene that will inevitably ensue.

I can do it in my own time

This is a convenience not to be understated. I work in the day, pick up my kids and play with them and study Swedish in the evening; this does not leave time for much shopping, especially when it takes 15 minutes walk 30 minutes trudge through snow. I can get the shopping delivered in the evenings, when I’m practising my Svenska too:

Pratar du svenska? Jag, det gör jag.’

Oh hang on, just going to put my shopping away.

‘Är du fran Sverige? Nej, det är jag inte’.

Totally painless (the shopping, that is).

It’s easy

I find it a lot simpler to navigate a webpage than a supermarket. And with google translate, I don’t even need to worry about buying filmjölk instead of mjölk because the damn thing is in the same packaging. Plus I find it much easier to read Swedish than speak it, so I’m learning whilst shopping. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

The disadvantage is that it requires me to plan more. I need to make sure I’m in and I need to know what I want to order. But Mathem has thankfully erased some of this headache too, with its Matkasse, a helpful bag of goodies that are sent over regularly, complete with recipes to go with them. I don’t have to think about what to make; they’ve done it for me and I get to try some crazy new recipes as well as some old classics. I’ve found the time slots to be convenient and on the odd day where I haven’t got in on time, they’ve called me and I’ve asked them to leave the goods outside my door – problem solved.

I wouldn’t endorse anything on this site unless I truly liked it and I’m in love with these people – they’ve saved me a lot of headaches. So, I’ve chosen to share the love with you and got the readers of Your Living City a discount voucher code for 50 SEK off a Mathem purchase.

  1. Click on our banner link below. Your Living City is a community site and by ordering through us, you will be supporting the cost of running it.
  2. Order your groceries and go to check out. You can get free delivery on Weds-Fri by buying a ‘leveranskort’ for 1 SEK at the moment – well worth it!
  3. When you get to the page where you are choosing the time of your delivery, there will be a box that says ‘Ange eventuell rabattkod (Enter any discount code)’.

    Type in YOURLIVINGCITY in that box for 50 SEK off your shopping between 5th to 18th November 2012.

  4. Smile

Hope you’ll be as pleased with the service as I am!

1 Comment

  • ZHENHUA 7 Jan 2013

    Thanks for sharing! I am not as busy as you but mathem is just as useful to me!

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