14 Mar 2025
Reduce Waste! Bring Your Own Container
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Reduce Waste! Bring Your Own Container

Reduce Waste! Bring Your Own Container zero waste sweden stockholm

Bring Your Own Container is an initiative driven by Zero Waste Stockholm. The principle is basically to bring your own containers from home to the restaurant and/or bulk shops to purchase your take-away food or bulk groceries.

By following this initiative you reduce considerably the amount of waste produced from the single-use packaging used to transport these goods. Much of such packaging such the black plastic containers are not even recyclable and that’s the most commonly used one.

Black plastic packaging. the most common type of take-away food packaging is not recyclable.

Nowadays we tend to consume take-away food more than before and in average about 173 kg of packaging waste is generated per inhabitant in the EU every year. That’s a lot of waste that we can definitely and easily reduce, as you can see in our video above!

If you visit Zero Waste’s website here, you will find a map with all the restaurants and shops that have joined the initiative and are now officially serving your take-away food or selling you bulk groceries in your own container. You will be able to recognise those businesses because they all sport this sticker on their door or window.

bring your own container ta med egna behållare zero waste stockholm sustainable hållbart reduce waste single use packaging plastic your living city
This is the Bring Your Own sticker shared by Zero Waste, to be found in shops and restaurants.

bengal diner restaurant bring your own container ta med egna behållare zero waste stockholm sustainable hållbart reduce waste single use packaging plastic your living city
You’ll find the Bring Your Own sticker on the doors and windows of participating businesses like Bengal Diner in Bandhagen

But you should not feel limited to only bringing your own container to the shops that have the sticker on the window, you can of course take your own container to ANY shop or restaurant and request being served in it.

And if you want to get even more involved you can even become one of Zero Waste Stockholm’s ambassadors and recruit your nearby business so that they join the initiative. Just contact Zero Waste here.

So next time you don’t want to think about cooking dinner or when you’re heading for a picnic, after choosing the best picnic location, pack your own containers and head to the restaurant for your favourite take-away.

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