14 Mar 2025
Halloween in Stockholm 2012
What's on: Stockholm

Halloween in Stockholm 2012

Looking for info on Halloween in Sweden? Check out our article on Halloween events for adults and kids in Stockholm 2011.


Ok, so Halloween in Stockholm may not be as spooky or flamboyant as you’re normally used to. It’s not that easy to convince an entire population to cover their windows with cobwebs, let their kids wander the dark streets begging strangers for candy and generally revel in all things creepy and crawly. But you’d be surprised at how quickly this holiday has gained popularity both commercially and traditionally, in just a few years. So whether this is your first Halloween or your first Swedish Halloween you’re bound to find someplace in Stockholm to do the Moooonster Maaaash this year.


Halloween for Kids

Since Halloween is still a relatively new tradition in Sweden there probably won’t be a slew of trick-or-treaters on your front porch on All Hallows Eve. But for those of you who want to get your kids involved in the festivities we’ve got some suggestions for you. We asked some parents in Stockholm for their best advice on celebrating Halloween with the kids.

Stacey writes….
I spoke with my Swedish neighbors about getting the neighborhood kids involved in a trick-or-treating block party. Everyone who wanted to take part put a pumpkin (some carved, some not) on their door step with candles so the kids knew which doors to go to. Several of the neighbors gathered for hot chocolate, coffee and pastries afterwards. I was so happy that some of my Swedish neighbors embraced the holiday!


Jen writes….
My 6 year old celebrated Halloween at the preschool she attends. The parents and teachers organized a costume parade and contest with goodies and songs. Last year was such a hit, I hope we do it again.


Oskar writes….
My twins have their birthday on Halloween so every year we invite their friends and school mates over for a costume party. This is our first year back in Sweden so I’m not sure how it will go over, so far 5 kids said they are coming…that’s pretty good 🙂


Constance writes….
We’re throwing a party at home because we have no idea if anyone in our neighborhood gives out trick-or-treat candy. We’re making goody-bags for each of our kids, playing spooky-themed games, eating home-made chili and watching some Alfred Hitchcock flicks.


For those of you who prefer to be out with the revelers on Halloween here are some events and a listing of night clubs that will be taking part in the spooky celebration.


Halloween Parties

“Shockholm” Halloween Parade

Date: Saturday, November 5th
Where:The parade marches from Slussen, along Skeppsbron, and then reaches its final stop at Kungsträdgården. At Kungsträdgården there will be food and entertainment. The parade is open for everyone who wishes to attend, the only demand is that you wear a Halloween costume, but of course you can stand and just watch when the parade goes by. Everyone is welcome!

For more info visit “Shockholm” Facebook page
Or the “Shockholm” homepage: http://shockholm.se/


THIS IS HALLOWEEN- Live music, DJ’s and Burlesque Show

Date: Saturday, October 29, 2011
Time: 21:00
Address: Kolingsborg, Södermalmstorg 2, 11645 Stockholm
Ticket price: 160 SEK


Future Legends Management & Blackbird Burlesque Cabaret presents this year’s Halloween party!
LIVE: The Coffinshakers (horror-Country) The Catastrophe Orchestra (requiem rock) Ragged Bones (rockabilly)
Burlesque: Pepper Potemkin (Blackbird Cabaret Burlesque) Lola van Dyke (Blackbird Burlesque Cabaret) ElegyEllem Lady Francescca
DJs: Skinny ‘Disco’ Kangur (Deathstars) Fat Joe (Rhythm Shack)
Dress to impress: Great prizes for best costume!


RockBitch Boat- Halloween

40 hour Halloween fest, rock cruise between Stockholm (Sweden) – Riga (Latvia)
Date: Saturday-Monday, October 29-31, 2011
Where: M/S Festival – 2000 capacity cruise liner Tallink ferry terminal Frihamnen, Stockholm
Age limit: 18 years when boarding. If you are under the age of 18 you must board the ship with a parent.
Price:  Starting at SEK 295/person sharing four person cabin
ID/Passport: A valid ID is required if you only plan to stay on the ship. A valid passport or national ID card is required if you plan to get off the ship in Riga (even for sightseeing).

For more info on bands and booking tickets: www.rockbitchboat.com


Costume Boutiques in Stockholm

Smozle AB/Skrattkammaren

Roslagsgatan 22

113 55 Stockholm

Drottninggatan 57, 111 21 Stockholm
Independent Kostym
Palermog. 17, SE-115 56 Stockholm
Bodega Party Butiken
Party Prylar



Night Clubs in Stockholm

Spy Bar
www.sturecompagniet.se – Birger Jarlsgatan 20, Östermalm, Stockholm – 08-545 076 00
Café Opera
www.cafeopera.se – Karl XII:s torg, Stockholm – 08-676 58 07
AB Lady Patricia
www.patricia.se – Stadsgårdskajen 152, Stockholm – 08-743 05 70
Södra Teatern
www.sodrateatern.com – Mosebacke 3, Stockholm – 08-531 994 00
www.sturecompagniet.se – Sturegatan 4, Östermalm, Stockholm – 08-545 076 70
Le Bon Palais
www.lebonpalais.se – Barnhusgatan 12 11123 Stockholm – 08-20 84 71
Hells Kitchen
www.stureplansgruppen.se – Sturegatan 4 11435 Stockholm – 08-545 076 75
www.stureplansgruppen.se – Kungsgatan 18 11135 Stockholm – 08-545 076 02
White Room
www.stureplansgruppen.se – Jakobsbergsgatan 29 11144 Stockholm – 08-545 07 665
Paradise Sthlm
http://www.paradisesthlm.com – Kolingsborg, Gula Gången, 116 45 Stockholm – 08-643 39 46
http://www.kolingsborg.se – Kolingsborgs Källare, 116 45 Stockholm – 08-643 39 46


By Kristan Coleman

Have you heard about a Halloween event coming up? Write about it in the comment section below!


  • Camelia 17 Oct 2011

    Come check out Camelia’s Cupcakes at Nybrogatan 40, near Östermalmstorg! We’ve decorated the store for Halloween and have different Halloween themed cupcakes everyday from now until November 5.

    You can check out pictures on our page on Facebook!

  • Daniel 29 Oct 2011

    Hey does anyone know if the Spy Bar is having a Halloween party for 2011, and what night it is on??

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