20 Mar 2025
Celebrate Sweden’s National Day
Festivals Swedish Culture What's on: Stockholm

Celebrate Sweden’s National Day

June 6 Sweden's Swedish national day celebration

Even though the celebration of Sweden’s national day on June 6 only became an official public holiday in 2005 it has now become one of Sweden’s most anticipated holidays and days of celebration. Although this year the celebrations may be a little bit dampened due to the need of staying away from large gatherings, there are still a few options for partying and staying safe at the same time.

Here’s a pick of some of the best alternatives to proudly celebrate your country’s or adopted country’s day this year.

Gather the friends at one of Stockholm’s most popular parks and have a picnic Swedish style. Have a look at our guide to the best picnic spots in Stockholm. To make it very Swedish, here’s what to include in your picnic basket:

  • A Swedish flag, not entirely necessary, but very much up to the occasion
  • The eats: meatballs, prinskorv (similar to Frankfurt sausages), boiled potatoes with dill, white bread and hard bread
  • The drinks: Swedish beers, snaps, saft (A Fruit-Rich Soft Drink) and of course also water Do not underestimate the Swedish sun-rays and keep hydrated.

The official website of Sweden, Sweden.se is having a 24-hour live stream to celebrate the National Day, including performances from artists as well as greetings from different Swedish personalities. Watch it on their Facebook.

The traditional National Day celebrations from Skansen will still be broadcast live, but without an audience. Some of the artists performing will include Janice, Oscar Zia, Sarah Dawn Finer, Mando Diao and Good Harvest. Watch it live at 8pm on SVT2 or catch it on SVT Play anytime after that.

You can have a cultural national day by watching the online streaming of the summer concert arranged by Konserthuset, Stockholm’s concert hall, together with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, live from Konserthuset’s website from 7pm. The concert will include music from well-known Swedish artists such as Evert Taube, Povel Ramel and Hugo Alfvén. 

”This is our way of manifesting unity in difficult and challenging times”, Stefan Forsberg says. ”We lift our eyes, and ears, to a brighter future by welcoming and embracing summer in the name of some beloved Swedish music. We hope that as many as possible will join us by their screens and also participate in a powerful singalong – not to mention coming together for the Swedish National Anthem Du gamla, du fria (Thou ancient, thou free).”

Gather a handful of friends at your backyard and have your own mini Swedish National Day Music Festival to the soundtrack of the live streams by United We Stream Sthlm. An online festival organised in collaboration with the City of Stockholm and Visit Stockholm. The festival will take place in eight different locations, among them Slakthuset, Trädgården, Södra Teatern, and it will go for 24 hours with the aim of raising money for affected venues, tech producers, artists and musicians in Stockholm.

All live broadcasts are shown free of charge via United We Stream Stockholm platforms. Support tickets for the initiative are purchased through unitedwestream.se in collaboration with Tickster.

Fancy being at a public space? Then you should visit one of the terrace clubs such as Slakthuset or Trädgården that will be opened during day-time hours, offering food and drink options and of course music to celebrate the day.

If you are in need of some fresh Swedish sounds for your own party, why not have a listen to our Best Swedish Pop playlist, summer 2020 edition.


If you feel like the best way of celebrating Sweden’s national day is by marrying a Swede then you should both head to the gardens of Vitabergsparken. All you need to do is take with you your sweetheart, ID and a valid certificate of no impediment from the Swedish Tax Authorities and register with Sofia Church between 10:00 – 13:00. At least one of you must be a member of the Swedish Church. Here you will find an entry form to download if you want to become a member! https://www.svenskakyrkan.se/sofia/medlem Members of a maximum of 10 can participate.

When: Sat 6/6 between 11-16 (register between 10-13 Sofia church)
Where: In the garden of the cozy red 18th century cottages in Vitabergsparken, Mäster Pers alley 4.

Cake and alcohol-free bubbles will be offered to all newlyweds!

For more info see: https://www.svenskakyrkan.se/sofia/drop-in-vigsel

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