In the lead up to our Love competition, we have searched the web on all topics to do with Dating in Sweden. We have asked people their thoughts on courting Swedish women and Swedish men and one thing for sure we have gathered …. most people feel the dating scene in Sweden is confusing to say the least …
“Swedish men and women seem pretty different to me, it seems that the men don’t have to do much work in getting ladies because the women seem to make most of the advances, I swear they are another breed :P, they are very strong women. In America the women usually sit back and wait for the guys, but in Sweden the men sit back and wait for the ladies.” Shana.
Read the full blogs on Dating in Sweden @ Lost in Stockholm >
Its true to say that the dating topic has no end and no beginnings. So to get the ball rolling, here’s a little taste of what people are saying about Dating in Stockholm. Just to whet your appetite
And so the stories go……
‘Just because you had a fika with a (Swedish) girl in a castle does not mean she will see it as a date.’
Ben Mack goes on to say, in his blog ‘True confessions of Swedish dating disasters’, “… then disaster struck. I asked her to dinner, assuming the answer would be an automatic “yes.” Instead, I received a text message explaining that dinner would feel “too much like a date.” Read the full blog >
“Swedish women are HOT but not to be trusted!” Sean
‘ONLINE dating is HUGE in sweden. It suits the reserved swedes who like to make those first moves from the safety of their own computers. I was initially skeptical until I found out its done by young and old these days, ranging from straight forward dating sites to more ‘social sites’ like and then ranging as far as sites like which is basically selling to the swedish people ‘discreet affairs’. I mean, WTF! This site was launched last year, because there is obviously a main stream market for such things! I do think however that online dating can get you through the cold winter months and make it easier for an interested swede to check off his/her list of criteria for the ideal mate: Education. Family. Background. Its true! But more commonly young stockholmers use it as a way to get to know someone first, cyber flirt, get a mobile number, txt when drunk for a few months, and then meet for ‘discreet fun’! Sam
“He asked me out once but I couldn’t go as I was away. So am I now expected to ask him out. Being an English woman I just thought he would ask again if he liked me but am I wrong in that if his Swedish part is at the fore lol. Really its too confusing!”Emelie
“Why do Swedes have to do all this pussy-footing around to find love and a relationship? Cant they just be upfront and honest and decent?! I bet deep down many Swedish men and woman cry at night in fear of an old age spent beautiful, lonely and alone!” Sarah
“Girls here (Stockholm) are not unwilling to sleep with you the first night you meet them. And very often they already have a boyfriend when doing so. I think that is a reason why dating here is rather slow, you can never be sure if the other one is sleeping around or even already being in a relationshop while dating you”. Björn
“You forgot one thing; if there’s anything a Swedish girl wants in a man, then its good looks. That’s why they usually settle with Swedish guys. Foreigners aren’t as attractive as Swedes (mostly) and we’re a shallow people”. Josefin
“My Swedish bf is the most amazing man on earth … but he still says I ‘like’ you … why s it that hard to say LOVE?” Roamingsoul
HAHAHA!??! Whats wrong with you guys? Im from sweden and Wtf! You can’t write what swedish girls like and how they are like. They are people like everybody else? They are induvidiuals! DAMN! And not all swedish girls look like that, HAHA! It’s few that do. When I wen’t to Canada and the United States i saw a lot of far more beatufiul girls there then our pale white blond girls… boooring!’ Daniel
“…what I’ve learned about my Swedish bf so far, well he is shy, kind, and well-mannered, has a heart the size of Jupiter, and is very thoughtful, smart, funny, and romantic. He told me that he’s happy I made the first move coz otherwise he would’ve been too shy to ever speak to me.” Magda
“The best bet is not to sit around expecting things to happen. Make them happen!
Swedes are capable of carrying shopping and opening doors like the rest of us…you just need to yell at them and remind them sometimes,just like with the rest of the worlds guys!! ” Dano
“… falling in love I find really difficult, and especially since i dont’ believe in love at first sight. But attraction is different, love is something that follows and grows over time.”Per
“I just spent ten days in Stockholm after backpacking my way around europe and Id have to say that the rules here seem to work like anywhere else. Have self confidence, no what you want and treat the ladies well. Or mabye Im just on a lucky streak” Peter
There are so many perspectives and experiences out there but we want to hear what it’s been like for YOU. Please feel free to comment as much as you like and if you have a lot more to say on Love, Sex and Dating in Sweden please enter our
Love Competition! – entries close Dec 15th!