Who says simple isn’t sophisticated? A true tortilla served with crusty bread and a glass of red will impress any lunchtime guest.

6 tablespoons Olive Oil
450g Potatoes, diced
1 Spanish Onion, sliced
5 Eggs
1 tablespoon chopped fresh Parsley
Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper
- Heat the oil in the omelette pan, then add potatoes and onion. Cover and cook over a low heat for 25-30 minutes until soft but not brown, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
- Drain off and reserve oil. In the bowl, lightly beat eggs. Mix in potatoes, onion and chopped parsley. Season and leave for 10 minutes. Wipe pan with kitchen roll and then add sufficient oil to cover the base in a thin film. Add egg mixture, spreading it evenly in pan. Cook over moderate heat, shaking pan occasionally until underside is brown and beginning to brown.
- Cover pan with large plate and hold in place with one hand. Quickly turn pan upside down, so omelette falls onto plate. Return pan to heat, add a little more oil, then slide omelette onto pan, cooked side uppermost. Cook until lightly browned underneath.
- Slide onto a serving plate. Serve warm or at room temperature.