Daim, that magical crunchy, chocolately toffee bar that sometimes seems well worth a few cavities. If you’re a fan then this is the cake for you.
What you need:
The base:
200 g butter
200 g dark chocolate
4 large eggs
1 1/2 d. sugar
2 172 dl flour
pinch of salt
Cream topping:
2 1/2 dl whipping cream (vispgrädde)
1 tsp icing sugar (florsocker)
1 1/2 tsp powdered cocao
2 x 56 g Daim (roughly two double packs of Daim)
What you do:
Melt the butter and dark chocolate in a water bath until smooth and incorporated. Whip the eggs and sugar in a separate bowl until light and fluffy, then quick stir in the slightly cooled chocolate mixture. Add the flour and salt, blending well.
Pour the mixture into a greased cake form and bake on the middle shelf 15-17 minutes. Let the cake cool in the cake form for at least one hour – you can chill it in the fridge overnight as well.
Whip the cream together with the sugar and cocoa, then add half the crumbled Daim into the mixture. Spread the cream mixture over the chilled cake, then top with the remaining Daim.
Judi Lembke
Judi Lembke is an experienced journalist who, when she’s not shackled to her computer, enjoys reading, cooking and sometimes watching embarrassingly bad reality TV. Judi also works with communications and thinks coming up with clever ideas is about as much fun as one can have without taking off one’s clothes.