14 Mar 2025
What’s on and Where to Go with Children: October
Family What's on: Kids

What’s on and Where to Go with Children: October

Celebrate your kids on International children’s day… and every day in October with the YLC guide to what’s on, kids. Halloween and Höstlov (the Autumn half-term) warrant an article by themselves, which will be out next week. In the meantime, brush up your hangul and get ready to Gangnam Style Stockholm.


Photo Credit: Jennifer Lundqvist

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This annual trade fair features products and services from over 100 exhibitors, including Ella’s Kitchen, Baby Bjorn, Brio, Libero, Stokke and Phillips. There will be freebies, discounts and lots of information about different products on offer, but the main driver will be the wonderful selection of activities for children to enjoy from craft workshops to gymnastics to circle time and circus shows.

When: 4th – 5th October

Friday 4th October from 09:00 to 17:00

Saturday 5th October from 09:30 to 17:00

Sunday 6th October from 10:00 to 17:00

Where: Mässvägen 1, Älvsjö

Cost: Options include

Adults: 140 SEK

Children from 7-15when accompanied by an adult: 20 SEK

Children 0-6 years: Free

Family Ticket 290: – (two adults and up to three children under 15)


International Children’s Day in Stockholm

The Maritime Museum, Police museum, Royal Sports Museum, Ethnographic Museum and Technical Museum are all celebrating this great day with special events:-

Etnografiska museet: Free entry for all. Child Justice quizzes and jeopardy with the World’s Children’s Prize Foundation. Workshop on traditional Wire Art from Zimbabwe. Guided tours for the whole family and storytelling to Tibetan sound bowls with Cecilia Stach.

Polismuseet: Free Entry for all. Meet the police, follow the footprints in a scavenger hunt and engage in two workshops on children’s rights.

Tekniska museet: Free entry for all under 19. Swap old toys for new with Retoy.

Sjöhistoriska museet: Free entry for all. Extra workshops with the theme ‘Children’s Rights’

Riksidrottsmuseet: Free entry for all. Test your physical ability in the popular exhibition “Sportlab”! Fun for both big and little kids. Try Parkour and get advice from knowledgeable instructors.

When: Sunday 6th October from 11am to 17:00

Where: Check websites for details

Cost: Free entry for children; Adults pay at Tekniskamuseet


Jazz Festival for Kids

Stockholm Jazz Festival is one of Sweden’s oldest festivals and Stockholm’s biggest jazz events. There are a number of concerts specifically designed with younger listeners in mind, including:

19th October

11am and 1pm: Tigern säger Grr at Kulturhuset. Poet and author Lotta Olsson teams up with musician Anna Einarsson to give a fabulous children’s concert with top-notch jazz. Recommended for 2-8 year olds.

20th October

11am Stina Agnas band för barn at Dieselverkstaden. Interpretations of eg Hasse Alfredsson’s classic album, Blommig falukorv och andra visor för barn. Recommended for 3-8 year olds.

12 noon Mats Öberg och Jonas Knutssons barnshow at Dieselverkstaden. Jonas and Mats plays their own music, improvise, talk about their instruments and play sound games. Recommended for 4-9 year olds.

1pm Music Box at Dieselverkstaden. Acclaimed innovative children’s music show from Italy. The three musicians interact with each other and engage the audience through an amazing rhythmic and melodic playing. Recommended for 2-6 year olds.

11am and 1pm: Oddjob – Jazzoo at Kulturhuset. Grammy nominated Oddjob offers musical stories based on a motley crew of animals!

When: Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th October

Where: Kulturhuset, Sergels Torg 3 or Dieselverkstaden, Marcusplatsen 17, Nacka

Cost: Kuturhuset – Adults: 120 SEK (25% Discount with a DN Card), Children: 60 SEK (25% Discount with a DN Card); Dieselverkstaden – 100 SEK per ticket.


Dance Gangnam-style!

Find out more about K-pop and music from South Korea. Make instruments, play along and dance!!!

When: Sunday 13th October from 12:00 to 16:00

Where: Östasiatiska museet, Tyghusplan, 111 49 Stockholm (Best way of getting here is via bus 65)

Age Group: 4-12 year olds

Cost: Over 18s – 60 SEK; Under 18s – free


Länge leve filmen! Swedish Film Institute’s 50th Anniversary

The Swedish Film Institute celebrates its 50th anniversary with an open house at Film House and it’s all free! See silent film concert, Swedish classics, listen and engage in conversation, walking tours, visit the engine room. Test your knowledge of movie quizzes for kids and adults, check out toddler cinema or try the special effects workshop. In the foyer and the library we exhibit movie objects, costumes and other fun things that are usually located in boxes in our archives. All this over a single weekend.

When: Friday 18th to Sunday 20th October

Where: Filmhuset, Borgvägen 1-5 115 53 Stockholm

Age Group: suitable for all ages

Cost: Tickets for all the films and talks over the weekend are free and can be picked up from Friday, October 18 at 16:00 at the Film House in cash. First come, first served basis!


Game on: 2.0 at Tekniska Museet

The world’s largest video game exhibition hits the Technical museum on the 25th October. Play old favourites such as Space Invaders and Pac-man to the latest thing in gaming news. There’s also rare memorobilia to be bought. Also worth checking out is the logo robot workshop.

When: from Friday 25th October 2013  to 27th April 2014.

Where: Tekniska museet, Museivägen 7, Gärdet, 115 93 Stockholm (Best way of getting here is via bus 69)

Age Group: 3-18 year olds

Cost: Adults – 120 SEK, children (7-19) – 40 kr, Under 7s – free


Noam Tiger2

Söndagsbus på Dansens Hus

Do you like dancing? Are you curious about how it looks on a dance scene? Come to dansens hus for workshops, tours, songs, dance and music!

When: Sundays 20th October from 12:00 to 15:00

Where: Dansens Hus, Barnhusgatan 14, 111 23 Stockholm (T-bana: Hötorget)

Age Group: 1-10 year olds

Cost: Free


Infra-red, interactive show at the Nobel Museum

Get your picture taken with a thermographic camera and film your kinetic energy to make a fantastic explosion of colour! Along with the camera, examine black trash bags, energy chasing thieves and discovers our ecological footprint in the world.

When: Sunday 6th October at 13:00 and  15:00

Where: Nobelmuseet, Stortorget 2, 111 29 Stockholm (T-bana: Gamla Stan)

Age Group: 6-11 year olds

Cost: Adults – 100 SEK, Concessions – 70SEK, Children (up to 18) – Free


Alphabet Play at Kulturhuset

Experience a playful and colorful exhibition of the letters – in large format!Climb up on the letters, hug them, sit in them and go slide performs them. Read the rhymes, rhymes and other texts in different languages, which runs from the walls and meander across the floor. Thematic children’s pictures are to look at the connection to each letter

When: Friday 26th to Sunday 28th October

Where: Kulturhuset, Sergels torg, 111 57 Stockholm (T-bana: T-centralen)

Age Group: 7-18 year olds

Cost: Free


Mummies at the Mediterranean Museum

In anticipation of the new exhibit about Egypt, we prepare ourselves by talking about how Egyptians lived, what they believed and why they mummified animals and humans alike. We look at a few select items and in the subsequent workshop we manufacture mummy coffins, mummies mini or mini pyramids.

When: Saturdays until 20th October from 13:00 to 15:00

Where: Medelhavsmuseet, Fredsgatan 2

Cost: Adults – 60 SEK; Under 18s – free  (40 SEK for the workshop)


Family Sunday at Moderna museet

We invite the entire family to spend Sunday with us! We will look at the art in the museum and then, working with different materials, make our own creations in the workshop.

Oct 6th and 13th: Niki de Saint Phalle exhibition; workshop with women sculptures (“Nana”)

Oct 20th: Cindy Sherman’s photography; workshop with identity and photography

Oct 27th: Gunnar Smoliansky’s photography – workshop with black, white and contrasts

When: Every Sunday at 11:00 (2-6 year olds) and 13:00 (7-12 year olds)

Where: Moderna Museet, Exercisplan, 111 49 Stockholm (Best way of getting here is via bus 65)

Age Group: from 2 -12 years

Cost: Adults – 120 SEK; Under 18s – free (tickets are free but must be obtained at 10am on the same day)

Cost: Free



  • […] Trick-or-treat your Swedish street What’s on and Where to Go: October What’s on and Where to Go with Kids: October […]

  • Christine 3 Oct 2013

    I think the mummies exhibit is at the Mediterranean Museum, not the Medieval Museum.

    • Farrah Gillani 3 Oct 2013

      Christine, you spotted our deliberate mistake 😉
      Ha, ha, all amended now – thank you for helping us keep our articles correct xx

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