13 Mar 2025
Baby Massage in Stockholm & in English
Family Pregnancy & Baby Services

Baby Massage in Stockholm & in English

Studies show that massaging an infant can reduce crying and fussiness, alleviate gas pains and constipation and help them sleep more peacefully. Luckily for English-speaking mums in Stockholm, Yogabellies is a UK based company that provides baby massage classes and just happens to have 2 trained baby massage instructors based here in Stockholm.


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Baby massage is available for infants from newborns until mobile and it is a wonderful opportunity for quality time to bond with your infant while gaining a host of emotional and physical benefits for parents and baby.  For example infant massage can alleviate trapped wind, soothe colic or alleviate constipation, ease teething pain and help unblock baby’s blocked nose. It can also alleviate the effects of postnatal depression and help mothers have a more positive interaction with their baby.

Yogabellies is a UK based company that provides baby massage classes and just happens to have 2 trained baby massage instructors based here in Stockholm. Karen Plummer teaches baby massage in central Stockholm and Elspeth Lamont, who is currently on maternity leave teaches baby massage and Yoga for children. For more details on Yogabellies and the classes Elspeth and Karen teach see www.yogabellies.co.uk.


The class: Feedback from a participant

I first learned of baby massage from a dear girlfriend of mine – a doctor who works with preterm babies at one of Europe’s best hospitals. She told me how the midwives use massage techniques to help preterm babies feel more comfortable by helping them deal with gas pains, constipation and colic. Within a few weeks, a couple of girlfriends and I got together and booked an introductory private session. Our babies who ranged from 4 weeks – 7 months.

Elspeth, our instructor, came toting a small suitcase full of goodies for us. She provided mats for the babies to lay on, and each participant got to keep a bottle of massage oil and laminated worksheet with instructions on how to do an easy massage sequence.

I really like that the classes are suitable for babies from birth to about 10 months. For me this is a great way to get out and meet other new moms.

As Elspeth took us through the class, it was easy to notice the calming & positive affects it had on the babies. She demonstrates the techniques on a life-sized doll as we followed along with our little ones. The course ran for about 40 minutes and to to my amazement there was no crying, no fussing, just three happy babies enjoying their bonding time with mom.

My little girl actually managed to focus for quite a long time. She was so relaxed afterwards that she instantly feel asleep in my arms (something that rarely happens). We got a great handout so we can practice at home. I would definitely take a class again. In fact I’m thinking about signing up for the next one.

All and all, the massage class was a great success. The moms enjoyed the one-on-one time with their little ones, and the babies were more relaxed and slept better afterwards.


Course details:

Class details

All you need bring is a towel to put on the mat provided to lie your baby on, perhaps a small toy if you think baby would like one. We will learn a different part of the body to massage each week and will always repeat so that everyone gets familiar with the various strokes. Organic massage oil, a CD, a laminated instruction card for a baby massage routine and a tote bag are also included in the course fees.





The course in central Stockholm is fairly small, with around 4 participants; complimentary refreshments are included.








Elspeth Lamont is currently on maternity leave, but will be returning to work soon.

She teaches both baby massage and yoga for children. For more details on Yogabellies and the classes Elspeth teaches see www.yogabellies.co.uk.

Watch this space for upcoming courses!






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